محاور الامتحان الشامل لطلاب الماجستير في الأدب والقراءات المطلوبة لكل محور 2020-2021 :: 15/03/2021

 محاور الامتحان الشامل لطلاب الماجستير في الأدب والقراءات المطلوبة لكل محور 2021/2020
المحور الأول:Critical Theory, Poetry, Fiction and Research Methods 2020/2021
- Charles E. Bressler, Literary Criticism: An Introduction to Theory and Practice, 5th ed., Longman, 2011.
- Lois Tyson, Critical Theory Today, A User-Friendly Guide, 2nd ed.,  Routledge, 2006. 

*The emphasis of the comprehensive exam will be on the following theoretical approaches of criticism: 

1. The Historical Survey of Criticism since Plato until the Modern times (In Charles E. Bressler, Literary Criticism: An Introduction to Theory and Practice, 5th ed., Longman, 2011)
2. Russian Formalism and New criticism:
(Historical development and theoretical assumptions) 

3. Structuralism: 
    a. Its historical development (Saussure's linguistic 
     revolution, the structure of language, Saussure's
      redefinition of word, langue and parole) 
     b. Methodologies of Literary Structuralism: 
           1. The structure of literary genres
           2. The Structure of narratives (Narratology)/Vladimir 
               Propp and Claud Levi-Strauss 
           3. The Structure of Literary interpretation (Jonathan
           2. Semiotics (Roland Barthes)

4. Post-structuralism and Deconstruction.
a. (Deconstructing language, deconstructing our world, deconstructing human identity, deconstructing literature);
b. Read "Structure, Sign and Play in the Discourse of the Human Sciences" by Jacques Derrida, in  
Charles E. Bressler, Literary Criticism: An Introduction to Theory and Practice, 5th ed., Longman, 2011, (pp 256-271).
c. Assumptions of deconstruction: (Transcendental Signified, Logocentrism, binary oppositions, phonocentrism and metaphysics of presence)
d. Deconstructive suppositions for textual analysis: (Acknowledging binary operations in western thought, supplementation, difference and Arche-writing)

5. Psychoanalytic Criticism:
a. Sigmund Freud (models of human psyche, the significance of dreams, the interpretation of dreams and literature)
b. literature and psychoanalysis:
c.Carl G. Jung, Northrop Frye, Jacques Lacan) 
d. Lacan and textual analysis

6. Reader Response and Reception Theories:
     a. Historical development (I. A. Richards, Louise M Rosenblatt)
     b. Structuralism (Gerald Prince)
     c. Phenomenology (Hans Robert Jauss, WolfganfIser)
     d. Subjective Criticism (Norman Holland, David Bleich) 

- Enani, M. Theories of Comparative Literature. South Valley University.
- Orwell, George. Nineteen Eighty-Four.
- Steinbeck, John. Of Mice and Men.
- Wells, H.G. The Time Machine.
- James, Henry. The Turn of the Screw. 
- Any translation of Ibn Tufail'sThe History of Hayy Ibn Yaqzan.
- Any translation of TayebSalih'sSeason of Migration to the North.
- Conrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness.
- Defoe, Daniel. Robinson Crusoe.
- Fitzgerald,F. S. The Great Gatsby.
- Hawthorne, Nathaniel. The Scarlet Letter.
- Any book or article on dystopian fiction.
- Fowles, John. The French Lieutenant Woman. 
- Mohammad Shaheen's article "TayebSlih and Conrad." Comparative Literature Studies. Vol. 22, No. 1, East-West Issue (Spring, 1985), pp. 156-171

- Poetry:
- A. E. Housman: Is My Team Ploughing, When I was One and Twenty, Epitaph on an Army of Mercenaries.
- Wilfred Owen: Dulce et Decorum Est.
- Thomas Hardy: The Darkling Thrush, The Ruined Maid, Ah, Are you Digging on My Grave? I Look into My Glass, The Man He Killed.
- William Butler Yeats: Leda and the Swan, The Second Coming, Sailing to Byzantium.
- Robert Frost: The Road Not Taken, Stopping by Woods, Not to Keep, Out, Out, Acquainted with the Night, Nothing Gold can Stay, Mending Wall, After Apple Picking.  
- T. S. Eliot: The Hollow Men, The Lovesong of J. Alfred Prufrock. 
- Elizabeth Bishop: The Fish, Filling Station, One Art.
- Sylvia Plath: Mirror, Tulips.
- Rudyard Kipling: If--. 
- John Donne: The Flea , Song: Go and Catch a Falling Star, Death Be not Proud, Valediction: Forbidding Morning. 
- Any article on the meaning and characteristics of metaphysical poetry.
- Wallace Stevens:   The Death of a Soldier, Poetry Is a Destructive Force, Anecdote of the Jar,  The Snow Man. 
- e. e. cummings:  Me up at does, a like a,  Tumbling hair. 
- Billy Collins: My Hero. 
- Philip Larkin: Church Going. 
- Browning, Robert:  My Last Duchess.
- Lawrence, D. H.: Piano. 
- Any article or book on the characteristics, features and stylistic elements of modern poetry.  

-المحور الثاني:Drama and Shakespeare
- Sophocles. Oedipus the King.
- Miller, Arthur. Death of a Salesman.
- Beckett, Samuel. Waiting for Godot.
- Ibsen, Henrik. A Doll's House.
- Chekhov, Anton. The Cherry Orchard.
- Arthur Miller's article "Tragedy and the Common Man."

- Hamlet
       - The Taming of the Shrew
       -  The Merchant of Venice
*Further readings on Shakespeare:
- Stanely Wells & Lena Cowen Orlin, Shakespeare: An Oxford Guide, Oxford University Press, 2003.
- Juliet Dusinberre, Shakespeare and The Nature of Women, Macmillan Press LTD, 1996.