
Call for Sub Grants

MoreThanAJob is launching a competition offers 2 funded sub grants for the development of innovative social schemes in Jordan for Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) entities. The grant size will be 20,000 euros per proposal.

As a part of MoreThanAJob project, Mutah university announce the launching of two funded sub grants competition of collaborative projects between actors of the Social and Solidarity Economy and public administrations for the development of innovative social schemes in Jordan for Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) entities. The grant size will be 20,000 euros per proposal.
Who can Participate?
The call is open to social and solidarity economy actors, such as third sector entities and profit organizations, provided that their participation is non-profit.
Potential candidates must have their legal and operational headquarters in jordan.
General information

Project proposals must focus on one of the following areas:
·         Support for families and income
·         Health and counselling services
·         Education and training
·         Vocational guidance and employment support
·         Culture and participation

The proposals must necessarily provide for collaboration with at least one public administration body to be formalized during the project intervention through the stipulation of at least one Memorandum of Understanding with the identified public body.

All information on the call, including participation requirements and admissible initiatives, are present in the Guidelines for proposing subjects .

How to apply
Applicants are invited to send the application forms attached and budget forms to the email address:  maaitah_noor@hotmail.com

Proposals must be submitted by June 20 at  5 .00 pm, Jordan time.
No proposals will be accepted after this time.

For more information
Visit MoreThanAJob  website 
Email: maaitah_noor@hotmail.com

Also you can checkout our Film in the following link, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yoX3V_dnXI8 


نموذج التقديم للمنحة


نموذج ميزانية المشروع


Arabic Guidنموذج ارشادات التقدم للمشروع
elines for sub-grants applicants_Final - Copy